Attention, CurdBee users!

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If you’re a CurdBee user, now is the time to move to Hiveage! It’s as simple as signing up for a free Hiveage account and importing your CurdBee data. New signups for CurdBee will stop on June 17 2014. Except for a few select users who would have to remain with CurdBee until some essential features are added to Hiveage, we expect everyone else to migrate to the new service by this date.


If you are on a paid plan in CurdBee, you don’t have to resubscribe in Hiveage. In fact, we may have already created a Hiveage account for you! If you have trouble acquiring the same Hiveage ID (subdomain) as in CurdBee, please contact us and we’ll sort it out.

Once you move your account over, our billing team will migrate your subscription plan and inform you about it (please note that this could take a few days). You will continue to pay the CurdBee subscription rates in Hiveage, and thus the new pricing plans in Hiveage will not apply to you, unless you decide to add more modules.

A better way to manage your finances

With Hiveage you can send elegant invoices to your customers, accept online payments, and manage your team — all in one place.

Hiveage offers a fully-featured (i.e. all modules enabled) free trial for 30 days, and that’s what you will see in your Hiveage account immediately after signing up. When we migrate your subscription, this free trial expires, and the modules corresponding to your subscription will remain enabled, while the rest will be disabled. If you are on a CurdBee Free plan, after your free 30 day trial of Hiveage finishes, you will be moved to a Hiveage Free plan.

New Features

Hiveage improves on CurdBee in many ways. In addition to a new user interface and workflows, some of its most important new features are:

  • Automatic recurring billing
  • Team members, with different permission levels
  • Managing multiple businesses within a single account
  • Unlimited taxes, discounts and shipping charges at both the line item and sub-total levels
  • Bills (incoming invoices)
  • More payment gateways

You can check out our features specification for more details.

Missing Features

There are a few features in CurdBee that we’re yet to add to Hiveage. If you need any of these for your billing, please remain with CurdBee until they become available:

  • Localization
  • API
  • WePay Gateway
  • GoCardless Gateway
  • Snail Mail via Postal Methods
  • Custom fields on statements

New features are being added to Hiveage almost every week. Our plan is to bridge all the above feature gaps within a couple of months (with the localization and the API coming first), so that all CurdBee users can migrate to Hiveage without losing out on anything. A mobile version of Hiveage, including apps for iPhone and Android, is in the works as well. As always, we’re also making frequent tweaks to the Hiveage user experience based on the feedback of our awesome community, so if you have something to say about how Hiveage looks and feels, do chime in!

Our team is always here to make sure the transition from CurdBee to Hiveage is simple and easy for you. If you run into any problems or need help, please don’t hesitate to give us a shout!

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